HighPoint Property Mangement Corp
Financial Reporting & Accounting Services
- Provide a comprehensive accounting and financial reporting system to the Board of Directors.
- Easy-to-read monthly management and financial reports sent electronically, including monthly results, with year-to-date results and budget comparisons.
- Prepare annual budgets for Board of Directors' approval using a zero-based budgeting model.
- Collect monthly common expenses, unit expenses and other revenues, and pay appropriate expenses for services rendered on a timely basis.
- Perform all regular banking responsibilities and reconcile all bank accounts monthly.
- Coordinate Reserve Fund Studies and required updates thereof, making recommendations for reserve fund investments as required.
- Send reminders for outstanding payments and take appropriate action as required, including arranging a lien for arrears when necessary.
- Provide the Corporation with a pre-authorized payment plan, whereby owners may pay monthly fees automatically by withdrawal from their bank account.
- Review all monthly costs and expenses ensuring that the Corporation remains in line with the current annual budget.